Monday, March 14, 2011

My first week as a surf bum I mean house wife

So a little over a week ago I finally had enough with all the harassment and quit my job. It was at first a bit depressing, then of course a little stressful thinking of how I will now for at least a little while not be making any money. But now I'm at that stage of I can finally get some actual house work done that I've needed to get too for months. I just wish my leg was up to surfing everyday. I injured it a few weeks back and though it's getting better I have to take it on the easy side for a bit.

Current events that have happened have been rather insane. There was a Tsunami that hit Japan last Friday the 12th of March. It is devastating, we got a little bit of what was left over here in Santa Cruz which hit the Harbor. Not even a comparison though. That is the sad news

I guess that is all that is on my mind at this late hour. So with that I bid you a goodnight and till next time.


gamefrySE said...

It's nice to see you on the so-called blogosphere! Or is it blog-o-sphere?

Kat said...

I like the way your page looks.